Meet the Maker: Kiran Ravilious

Hello! My name is Kiran and I’m a pattern designer based in Leicester.
Describe your printmaking process.
My designs start off as lino prints. I carve each design on Japanese vinyl and print them on fabric.
How and where did you learn to print?
I was born and raised in Singapore where I did my degree in graphic design, however, I also spent a year trying out all sorts of different techniques at art college and lino printing and sculpture interested me the most.
Why printmaking?
Coming from an Asian background, and growing up with block printed cushions scattered all over the house, I wanted to create something with a similar feel – rough yet delicate and lino printing seemed the best option and also because I didn’t need any fancy equipment to start off with.
Where do you work?
I work from my studio in Leicester. It’s actually an old screen printing factory. The screen printers still work from there but I have my own space. It’s a great environment to work in with not only all the light that streams through it but also all the smells from the printer’s inks we all use!
Describe a typical day in your studio.
No two days are ever the same. Quiet days, noisy days, calm days and chaotic days. My day usually starts off with me going into the studio and thinking “argh, what a mess” but it’s organised chaos and I know where everything is – even if it infuriates my assistant! Most days, I spend sending orders to my stockists. Then there are days where I get to sit and doodle, carve and print. It’s fun working on new designs and thinking of new products. I think that’s the bit I like best.
How long have you been printmaking?
Just over 10 years!
What inspires you?
Nature but also wanting to archive something in my life that I can be proud of inspires me to work as hard as I possibly can!
What is your favourite printmaking product?
I especially love Japanese bamboo barens!
So simple but so useful.
What have you made that you are most proud of?
My Jungle foliage cushion. It was a nightmare to print with the block being quite large and getting an even print but it’s one of my favourites.
Where can we see your work? Where do you sell?
On my website and I also have stockists who sell my work. Many of them are independent retailers so please support them! (stockist list on my website).
What will we be seeing from you next?
I’ve got some new designs and also my long overdue new website.
Do you have any advice for other printmakers and creatives?
Never give up!
Here’s the link to my webshop: