Meet The Maker: Lisa Stubbs

Hi, I'm a printmaker and illustrator living in the Holme Valley in Yorkshire, with a little print studio in the neighbouring Colne valley.
Describe your printmaking process.
Playful and experimental! I love being curious during my process, combining different processes together to create my prints. At the moment I'm loving TetraPak printing with Chine-collé, blind embossing, screen printing, relief printing, drypoint etching and monoprinting with the etching press. I find my creative flow jig-sawing these processes together.
How and where did you learn to print?
I learnt to print at West Yorkshire Print Workshop. I took one of their beginners workshops for screen printing with a fantastic printmaker called Claire Caulfield. I fell in love with print making and became a member of the workshop, using their printmaking facilities in the print rooms. I still go on courses at the workshop, they're fantastic and incredibly supportive, I also teach there myself now!
Why printmaking?
I love that printmaking is process driven, and also the physical aspect of moving around the print room, rather than sitting for long periods of time at a desk. I love the smell of the print room and getting inky fingers and the endless possibilities printmaking presents.
Where do you work?
I do all my admin, packing orders and online shop at home in a little box room that's been made into an office. All my creative work, painting, printing, experimenting and working in my sketchbook is done in my studio space at Globe arts in Slaithwaite in the neighbouring valley. I also use the printing facilities at WYPW as they have a large exposure unit and wash room for screen printing.
Describe a typical day in your studio.
This is tricky as everyday is different depending on what I'm working on. I give myself an hour to plan and write, and then work on any prints that need finishing or starting! I might work out ideas in my sketchbook or give myself some time to play and experiment. Other days I might be teaching, packing orders, photographing prints and listing them in my Etsy shop. I also take time out for my lunch to do Yoga or meet a friend for a brew, I strive to get a healthy work life balance.
How long have you been printmaking?
It's been fifteen years since I took that first class at WYPW.
What inspires you?
My work is inspired by the little moments in my family life, pockets of time that are hard to describe, but feel good. I want to capture feelings of being connected to family, friends, the past, nature and the nostalgia that creates. I love old photographs, vintage children's books, belly laughs and chats with friends, that's the good stuff where the inspiration is for me. The ‘breath it in’ moments.
What is your favourite printmaking product?
Ah well, I would have said the squeegee, just because I like the sound of the word squeegee! But I'd have to say it's my little Polymetaal etching press which I bought from Handprinted, it's called Bertie.
What have you made that you are most proud of?
The work that I'm most proud of is the work I do with local kids who benefit from a creative outlet. I hold workshops which use creativity as another way to express difficult feelings, to help children make sense of the world around them using the creative process.
Where can we see your work? Where do you sell?
You can follow my creative journey on Instagram and I have a little Etsy shop where I sell cards and prints.
What will we be seeing from you next?
This year for me is about play, taking a step back and working out some new ideas and seeing where that takes me!
Do you have any advice for other printmakers and creatives?
Keep experimenting, and try something new, put in the work and allow yourself to fail lots because that's where the good stuff is that leads to successes.