Meet the Maker: Margaux Magny

Hi, I’m Margaux. I live near St Malo in France. I’m a graphic designer by trade focusing on digital media. I have always loved drawing and art in general. My mother did a lot of painting and sculpture when I was a child and my father did a lot of DIY. I have a lot of photographers and cooks in my family, so in one way or another, there has always been an artistic influence. When I discovered printmaking it was a revelation, I became addicted to the practice. I like the long, multi-step process to get to the final print.

Describe your printmaking process.
I always start by drawing on my tablet. As much as I love working with materials and carving into linoleum, I feel very limited with pencil and paper. I prefer working on my iPad Pro with the Procreate tool. This allows me to do contrast tests and to check the areas I have to carve and the ones that I mustn’t touch. I then transfer my design to the linoleum using carbon paper. Once this is done, I carve my block and proceed to print using my press.
The work does not stop there, after a more or less long drying time, I number and sign all of my prints using embossing pliers. I also do all the packaging and sending of orders.

How and where did you learn to print?
I did an afternoon internship which allowed me to dig my first gouge into the material. From there, it’s a lot of self-teaching, reading, videos and exchanging with other printmakers on social networks.

Why printmaking?
I like the work of the material which is very pleasant. I also like the fact that I have multiple copies of my matrix to make a limited series.

Where do you work?
I work from home and am lucky to have a family house large enough to accommodate my workshop. My partner and I share a significant space for both our communication activities and our 2 craft activities; linocut for me, bracelet creation for him.

Describe a typical day in your studio.
Similarly to a lot of people, it starts by dropping the children off at school and nursery for my youngest. There is no typical day as I still divide my time between printmaking and my historical communication activity. After discussing current projects with my partner, I can devote my whole day to a session of prints, do some digital drawing, a little carving, manage my website and send my orders.

How long have you been printmaking?
I started in 2019, but I didn’t fully practice from the start. It has really been since November 2020 that I have been making regular prints.

What inspires you?
I’m mostly inspired by where I live and where I’ve grown up. All my prints have a link with the sea or Celtic legends.

What is your favourite printmaking product?
I think it is my press. In the beginning, I used to spend more time pulling my hair out over my prints than doing them. Buying the press immediately allowed me to make better quality prints and I feel like I can really push myself through with it.

What have you made that you are most proud of?
I have always struggled to be proud of my work but thanks to my Instagram activity, a small community regularly sends me messages of encouragement, showing me their fascination for my work. It really warms my heart every time!

Where can we see your work? Where do you sell?
I have a website where I sell all of my linocuts. They can also be found in some shops based in Brittany where I live.

What will we be seeing from you next?
For the next few months, I will try to produce new linocuts in order to offer a wider range of prints. Otherwise, I have 2 long-term projects: the creation of a textile line using fabric inks and I will perhaps try to launch a few introductory workshops on the practice of linocut.

Do you have any advice for other printmakers and creatives?
Practice, always practice more, be creative, be inspired and never lose hope. Always giving it your all in what you do really helps you accomplish great things!
To see more from Margaux follow her on Instagram.