Printfest 2019

We took our pop up shop to Printfest in Ulverston once again this year. Printfest is an annual celebration of print that runs during the first weekend of May in Ulverston, Cumbria. There are 49 printmakers who exhibit there showing a wide range of techniques. It is lovely being able to meet and talk through the prints with the artists. It is even more lovely for us as lots of our customers visit Printfest so it is really great to meet them face to face.

We Talk to the Moon is an etching by Jamie Barnes. Jamie is coming to our studio to teach two, two day courses in Aquatint Etching on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th April and on Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th April. You can view more of Jamie’s work through his website.

Laura Boswell was exhibiting there. Above is Dry Stone Wall a linocut by Laura. Laura is teaching a One Week Immersion into Authentic Japanese Watercolour Woodblock at our studio – Mon 24th – Fri 28th Aug 2020 You can see more of Laura’s work on her website.

A Flight of Swallows II by Hester Cox. We also have Hester Cox coming next month to teach collagraph printmaking. Her weekend course is full but we do have a couple of spaces remaining on the Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th June. More of Hester’s work can be viewed here.

Turning Tides by Ian Phillips. Ian Phillips was there showing his linocut prints – all hand burnished and most of them huge! Ian is teaching two, two day courses for us in November. Reduction lino on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th November and a new course for us Multi Block Lino on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th November. See more of Ian’s work here.

Included in the 49 exhibiting printmakers are two invited artists. These artists are Printmaker of the Year and Printmaker’s Printmaker. The Printmaker of the year is chosen by Printfest, the Printmaker’s Printmaker is chosen the previous year by the exhibiting Printmakers. Both of the artists get to present an artist’s talk on the preceding Thursday evening. This year The Printmaker of the Year was Sadie Tierney and Printmaker’s Printmaker was Flora McLachlan

Sadie’s talk

Utpåturaldrisur (Wastwater Screes) by Sadie Tierney

Flora’s talk

Printfest 2020 in full flow.

David Peduzzi a regular visitor to our studio was also there. His website can be viewed here.

We also gave an award this year. It was really daunting to cchoose a printmaker from such a cohort of amazing artists. We chose Helen Murgatroyd who was also chosen as the Printmaker’s Printmaker so we look forward to seeing her at Printfest in 2020!

All images courtesy of Printfest’s official photographer © Kate Kirkwood.