Block Printing a Two Colour Repeat Pattern

This is an easy method for two colour block printing on fabric that doesn’t require a computer at all so grab your pencil case and have a go:
Draw around your block onto a piece of paper.
Draw part of your design in the centre of your template.
Cut out your template and cut it into 4 equal pieces. Number your pieces 1 – 4 as seen below:
Switch pieces 1 and 2 with 3 and 4 so that the top half is swapped with the bottom. Your design should look like this:
Now switch 1 and 3 with 4 and 2 so that the left side is swapped with the right side. Your design should look like this: (check your numbers to make sure the pieces are in the right order)
Hold (or tape on the back) your pieces together. Draw the rest of your design over the middle to fill the space.
Put your pieces back in their original order – 1,2,3,4. Tape your pieces together.
Place a piece of red carbon paper on over your block. Place your drawing on top. Choose some of the elements of the design that you would like to be one colour and trace around them.
Repeat these steps onto your second block, tracing the areas to be printed in your second colour. Use a piece of blue carbon paper to make it easier. If you would like to layer your colours, trace some areas onto both blocks so that they will print in both colours.
Use a lino tool to remove the surface of the areas that you do not want to print. Use a deep V tool to go around the edges of your shapes and a shallow U tool to clear the backgrounds.
Use a Versacraft Ink Pad to ink up the first block.
You have applied enough ink when your block appears shiny.
Place the block face down onto your fabric. Press all over the back with the flat of your hand. Remove the block, reapply the ink and place your next print directly beside the last.
Continue to do this to cover the fabric.
Ink up the second block with the second Versacraft Ink Pad colour. Place the block face down over your first colour and press to print.
Continue inking up your second block and printing your second colour over the whole pattern. Iron your print for a few minutes to heat set the ink.
To have a go yourself you will need:
Black pen
Soft pencil
Fabric to print onto