Meet the Maker: Creatively Bridge

Hello! I’m Bridget. I'm a part time printmaker based on the south coast in Chichester. My love for printmaking was born in the print rooms of Bath School of Art and Design where I studied Graphic Communication. This is where I first got a taste for Screen Printing, Linocut, Letterpress and Etching.
My practice is very process led as I enjoy exploring all of the new and exciting techniques that print has to offer.
I am also 1/6 of the Handprinted team!
Describe your printmaking process.
My process varies depending on what I am working on but more often than not it will start in my camera roll. I have always loved documenting things through photographs which means that I have an endless supply of potential print ideas right in the palm of my hand.
How and where did you learn to print?
My first real print experience was during my foundation year at Brighton City College. I can remember the print room was very tiny and we did a really simple paper stencil screen print. During my first year of uni was when I really got to experience all of the different practices print had to offer. We had a week-long project in which we picked an artist and created a letterpress, linocut and etching based on the artist and their work. I chose Tracey Emin. We also explored screen printing and limestone lithography.
Since starting my role at Handprinted I have learnt nearly all that I know now from my fantastic colleagues. I feel so encouraged to jump in and try new processes and someone is always on hand to answer any questions I may have. Like most people during lockdown I spent my Saturday mornings watching the videos we put out, always intrigued to see what technique Holly would be sharing that week. I have also been lucky enough to take part in a number of our workshops too!
At the start of this year I visited Print Club London for a two day course on CMYK Screen Printing and attended a weekend workshop at Portsmouth Printmakers on Photopolymer Etching - two techniques that I have been very keen to learn!
Why printmaking?
I love all of the processes it has to offer and the hands on approach. Even the prints that look relatively simple have a lot of time and love poured into them.
Where do you work?
I am very fortunate to have access to the studio here at Handprinted. You will often find me here after hours printing away on the vacuum bed or our Victorian Albion press.
Describe a typical evening in your studio.
My print session often starts with a nice cup of tea and a snack. Next is music. If I'm in the studio by myself I will often put on one of my many random playlists and have a good old sing along whilst I print. What I do next really depends on what I'm working on. I may need to prep and expose screens or get out my lino blocks, inks and rollers.
Whatever I'm working on, I always like to make sure that my space is fully set up before I get started so that my session is not interrupted.
How long have you been printmaking?
For about 9 years, but more seriously since I started at Handprinted three and a half years ago.
What inspires you?
Popular culture, tv and film, books, lyrics, nature, animals, places and people! I am extremely lucky to be surrounded by other creatives both at work and at home.
What is your favourite printmaking product?
Hmm.. I think at the moment it has got to be the Blue Block Out Tape and my second hand A2 90T screen.
What have you made that you are most proud of?
The print that I am most proud of has got to be my most recent CMYK (actually MCYK) screen print 'Secrets of the Palm House'. It has been in the works for around 3 years now and I am so pleased that it has finally come to life.
Where can we see your work? Where do you sell?
You can see my work on my Instagram. I regularly share my process in reels and posts. I also sell my work through my Etsy shop.
What will we be seeing from you next?
Definitely some more CMYK prints and maybe some more celeb portraits. If you have an suggestions I'd love to hear them!
I am taking part in the Chichester Open Studios on Sat 22nd - Sun 23rd April and Sat 30th - Mon 1st May at Venue 44 (aka Handprinted HQ!). I will be running a daily 'Print Your Own Postcard' demo as well as working on some new pieces!
Do you have any advice for other printmakers and creatives?
Go for it! Explore, experiment and enjoy the process!
To see more from Bridget make sure to follow her on Instagram.