Printing Tea Towels for WaterAid

Our Handprinted Tea Towel Exchange for WaterAid is in full swing! Yesterday we opened the studio to anyone wanting to print their three tea towels and we got some lovely results.
Tea towels aren’t due in to us until the end of June so there’s still time to take part. We’d love to raise lots of money for WaterAid so we would like to get as many people as we can to take part and donate!
Anyone can join in, you don’t have to be an expert printmaker – you don’t even need to have done any printing before. The tea towels can be any style
of design and use any techniques that you like – have a play and see what you can make! Post your three tea towels to us and receive three random tea
towels from other participants in return – a great way to see what other people are making! Scroll to the bottom of this page to see how to take part.
Here are a few pictures from the day showing the prints being made.
Diane, Rebecca and Gill working on their prints
Rebecca’s linocut
Rebecca used Caligo Relief Inks to print her tea towels
Rebecca and Gill’s tea towels hanging up to dry
Diane’s tea towels hanging up to dry
Gill’s finished tea towel
The beginning of Holly’s drawing for an exposed screen
The finished drawing for Holly’s exposed screen
Holly’s exposed screen
Holly’s finished tea towel
Angela’s inked up lino blocks
Angela’s finished tea towel
Watch a quick video to see Angela’s tea towels being printed on our etching press last night:
Want to join in? Here’s how:
Step 1: Click here to donate to WaterAid
via our Just Giving page – we suggest a donation of £10
Step 2: Sign up for the exchange either by popping into the Handprinted Shop or clicking here to
register as a postal participant.
Postal participants are charged £1.60 which will go towards covering postage expenses – absolutely no profit will be made from postage costs. Entrants
anywhere within Europe can join in too!
Step 3: Print your tea towels! Show us what you’re making using the hashtag #teatowelsforwateraid
Step 4: Get your tea towels to us by 30th June – drop them off at our Bognor Regis shop or post to: Handprinted, 22 Arun Business Park,
Shripney Road, Bognor Regis, PO22 9SX. Please include your name and address so we know who the tea towels are from.
Step 5: Receive your three random tea towels! Pick up from the shop or receive them in the post. We will send the tea towels out in mid
July. Show us what your received using the hashtag #teatowelsforwateraid