Printing Labels with Thermofax

screen and are great for printing your own textiles or papers. If you don’t know what a Thermofax is hop over to our earlier blog here.
We get lots of enquiries from customer’s wanting to create their own labels and brand their products. There are a couple of options we recommend for this
depending on the product and what kind of image the branding is, some people carve a stamp from Speedy Carve or MasterCut and use this with Versacraft ink pads, others send us their designs and order an exposed screen.
The alternative to an exposed screen would be a Thermofax. A Thermofax is not as hard wearing as a screen but is more lightweight and cheaper. The designs are little less accurate as a Thermofax screen is made by hand so the tension of the mesh is not so tight.
The great thing about Thermofax screens is that they can be used for printing on paper or on textiles. We recommend using either fabric screen printing inks or fabric paints for printing on textiles and acrylic screen printing inks for paper or card.
If printing on paper is is recommended that you use a light squirt of something like Spray Mount to keep the paper in place when printing.
If you are printing on fabric it is always recommended that you pin your fabric to your padded print surface – to ensure you get a sharp print.
We have also made Thermofax screens for customers fed up of sewing name tags into uniforms – what a time saving idea!