Blog - Screen Printing

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  • How to Screen Print with Paper Stencils

    How to Screen Print with Paper Stencils

    In this project we will show you how to screen print onto paper using paper stencils. With this method, you can print multiples of your designs in several layers of flat colour without having to make an exposed screen or using screen filler. When screen printing, ink is forced through a fine mesh onto a …
  • Getting a Drawn Design Ready for a Screen

    Getting a Drawn Design Ready for a Screen

    Screen printing is a brilliant way to make the most of your hand drawn designs. It enables you to print them multiple times for framed artwork or cards or to create your own fabrics, bags and t-shirts. You can use your designs to make into photographic screens yourself at home or we can make them … Continue reading "Getting a Drawn Design Ready for a Screen"
  • Screen Printing onto Fabric Workshop

    Screen Printing onto Fabric Workshop

    Hello, My name is Hayley and for the past week I have been at Handprinted for work experience. I have loved every minute of it especially when I took part in the screen printing work shop onto fabric. It was my first time screen printing and I cannot wait to do it again. We began … Continue reading "Screen Printing on to Fabric Workshop"
  • Printing Labels with Thermofax

    Printing Labels with Thermofax

    We have just launched our Ready Made Thermofaxes in a smaller size. The designs are the same as the Medium Ready Mades – just smaller (most images are about 6cm square). Thermofaxes are like a light weight screen and are great for printing your own textiles or papers. If you don’t know what a Thermofax … Continue reading "Printing Labels with Thermofax"
  • Printing a Christmas Star

    Printing a Christmas Star

    This is a very simple and easy Christmas project. Just whip out your screen, grab an old cardboard box and a squeegee and within half an hour you’ll have this handmade stunner for the top of your tree. Start by drawing your star shape on a piece of leftover cardboard. Any size is fine, …
  • Screen Printed Wedding Invitations

    Screen Printed Wedding Invitations

    Our studio at Handprinted has been buzzing recently – we’ve had screen printing classes, dyeing sessions and social groups with plenty of cake. Valentine’s Day presents have been printed, T-shirt businesses launched and duvet covers given a new lease of life. Here’s a little update on one of the lovely projects made in our studio …
  • ‘Screen Printing at Home’ by Karen Lewis Book Review

    ‘Screen Printing at Home’ by Karen Lewis Book Review

    ‘Screen Printing at Home’ by Karen Lewis, is a new comprehensive guide to screen printing onto fabric from the comfort of your kitchen table. Karen, a textile designer and maker, began printing textiles as a way of making her work more identifiable as her own. You can find her gorgeous printed fabric panels at …
  • Fletcher – Handprinted’s Screen Printing Dog!

    Fletcher – Handprinted’s Screen Printing Dog!

    We’ve always know that our dog Fletcher is a one off but we didn’t realise that he had hidden talents!
  • Beginning Printmaking – Books We Love

    Beginning Printmaking – Books We Love

    We are often asked for recommendations on books to get started on various methods of printmaking. Here is a round up of our favourites for anyone thinking about learning how to print at home.  Fresh Prints by Cristine Leech. 25 projects to make at home. Suitable for complete beginners. Good pics and clear instructions. Mostly …
  • Registering Screen Printed Layers on Fabric using acetate registration sheet

    Registering Screen Printed Layers on Fabric using acetate registration sheet

    You will need: Mount board cut into an ‘L’ shape right angle A plastic sheet such as table covering with a true right angle on the bottom left-hand corner. It is useful to put some coloured tape on this corner to make it more rigid and easier to see Line up the bottom left-hand corner …
  • Using Speedball Speed Clean to Remove Screen Filler

    Using Speedball Speed Clean to Remove Screen Filler

    You will need: Speedball Speed Clean A nylon paint brush A nylon scrubbing brush Lots of hot water A screen that has been used with screen filler Use a nylon brush to coat both sides of your screen with Screen Filler. Leave for 3-5 minutes. Use a nylon scrubbing brush to work the Speed Clean …
  • Screen Printed Wrapping Paper Using Screen Filler

    Screen Printed Wrapping Paper Using Screen Filler

    You will need: Screen Squeegee Screen Filler Disappearing Pen Ink Parcel Tape Kraft Paper Draw the image on a piece of paper. Using a disappearing pen or pencil, trace the image onto the screen. Raise the edges of the screen away from the table by placing a wedge, such as a coin, under each corner. …
  • Paper Stencil Screen Printing

    Paper Stencil Screen Printing

    A quick introductory guide to screen printing with a paper stencil. You can download a printable pdf. here! You will need: Screen Squeegee to fit Paper to cut your stencil – photocopy paper is good – layout paper is better Craft knife Water-based fabric ink such as Speedball A padded surface to print onto – a folded …
  • Open Access Print Studios

    Open Access Print Studios

    Below is a list of open access print studios, facilities and cost varies per location – if you know of anymore please let us know so we can add them to the list. Aberystwythprintmakers – Wales Art Academy Print – London Bainbridge Studios – London Black Church Print Studio – Dublin, Ireland Boden Print Studios …